Jeep Safari In Devalia
- It includes the permit which are issued for the Jungle Trail in Gir by the Forest Department.
- This permit is inclusive of the processing fee and the GST.
- Service Charge of Safari Coordinator.
- Charges of guides and driver which are approved by the Forest Department.
- Tourists will get the Jeep which are approved by the Forest Department.
- Charges for pick and drop from the resort for the customers who has opt during the booking.
Devalia Safari zone is also known as Gir Interpretation Zone. Devalia Jeep Safari is done in the personal jeep which is covered. The jeep for the Devalia Jeep Safari is covered for the protection of tourists from the animals. Jeep Safari in Devalia is accompanied by the, forest department's approved guide and driver. Jeep Safari in Devalia is controlled and operated fully by the forest department. It's a beautiful area which is created to reduce the pressure of the uncontrolled touristson the main Sanctuary of Gir. Jeep Safari in Devalia offers the tourists to spot numbers of wild animals and the Lion in their natural habitat very closely and in very short time period. This beautiful area is fenced by 412 ha of Chain link and it gives a look of "Gir in a Nut Shell" which comprises of major wild life representatives and the habitat of each type. You will also enjoy the beautiful Fauna and the grassland while doing Jeep Safari in Devalia.
There are numbers of rides in each slotted time of the Jeep Safari in Devalia. For Safari booking, a child is considered as a child if the age of the child varies between 3 to 12 years. If the age of the child is above the age 12 then he or she is considered as adult especially for safari booking. Jeep of the safari ride in Devalia can accommodate only one child and maximum of 6 adults. If in the jeep the numbers of adults are less than 6 then more children can be accommodated.

The boarding point for the safari riders for Devalia Safari is 'SinhSadan'. It is essential to reachSinhsadanatleast 30 minues before your schedule ride for Safari. Tourists have to reach SinhSadan for Devalia Safari ride. From SinhSadan, it takes approximately 55 minutes for safari ride.
For each time slot, the forest department has issued 10 permits for Devalia Safari Ride. The permits are given to the tourists on first cum first serve basis. There are limited numbers of permit and it is sold to the tourists who makes the booking first until the entire tickets get sold. You can book ticket for safari ride in 3 months advance. To the schedule date of your ride. The starting rate per jeep for jeep safari in Devalia is Rs 4000. This rate is not per person but at the time of the booking you will get the entire detail, when you start filling the form.
Inclusive in Devaliya Jeep Booking
- It includes the permit which are issued for the Jungle Trail in Gir by the Forest Department.
- This permit is inclusive of the processing fee and the GST.
- Service Charge of Safari Coordinator.
- Charges of guides and driver which are approved by the Forest Department.
- Tourists will get the Jeep which are approved by the Forest Department.
- Charges for pick and drop from the resort for the customers who has opt during the booking.
- During the booking of safari ride, if you have opt for the facility of Pick up and drop from the Resort or Hotel in SasanGir by paying extra charges, then tourists will get the services of pick up and drop to SinhSadan.
- 100% permits are sold by the way of advance booking. There is no option for the tourists to have spot booking. So, to secure the full enjoyment, tourists book their safari ride well in advance.
- The details of ID proof for the Jeep Safari in Devalia should be submitted carefully at the time of the booking. The tourists must have to carry the same ID proofs for verification at the time of boarding to a safari ride. If Forest Department finds any type of discrepancy, then the booking is cancelled and that tourist will not be allowed to board for safari ride and lastly, you will not get any refund.
- Modification in the scheduled safari ride is not possible but for any unavoidable reasons, Forest DEPARTMENT can modify the time of the safari ide or may cancel. The refund for this ride will get to you in next two working days.
Time Schedule for Jeep Safari in Devalia. Jeep Safari operates on every day from Monday to Sunday except Wednesday. For every time slot there are 10 jeeps for safari ride in Devalia. The time of the first slot in the morning safari is 7:00AM to 7:55 AM and in the evening the time for safari ride is from 3:00PM to 3:55 PM. The second slot time for the safari ide from Monday to Sunday is 8:00 AM to 8:55 AM and in the evening the time of the Jeep Safari ride is 4:00PM to 4:55PM. The morning time for the third slot for the Jeep Safari in Devalia is 9:00AM to 9:55 AM and in the evening the time for the safari ride for the third slot s 5:00PM to 5:55PM. The fourth and final slot start on 10AM and ends at 10:55 AM.
Tourists will have to book their safari ride as pe the time and slot mentioned. Jeep Safari in Devalia offers a unique experience for life time. Lots of unforgettable memories which tourists also captures in their Camera, especially the mesmerizing beauty of the national park and the wild ness of the national park and it is possible only by going for Jeep Safari in Devalia.